day two
i haven't responded to my work emails today unlike yesterday when i was religiously looking at it, but today....not so much. i have been reading up on pre-e some more. according to some forums and blogs, baby was delivered within two weeks of diagnosis. that would mean i would see her at 33 weeks....if things go south, of course. so here i go reading up on survival rates of babies born at 33 weeks. which honestly can't be good for my blood pressure. today's numbers were a lot better than yesterday's!! i haven't seen a reading in the 90s diastolic yet. i suppose this bed rest thing is working. there is still controversy surroundng it, however, on whether or not bed rest helps with pre-eclampsia. either way, it can't hurt and from the things i was doing yesterday (laundry, folding, dishes) i figured those were plenty reasons for my bp to be high. i hate feeling useless, but all i can think about is her. i couldn't sleep liast night from thinking so m...