Motherhood Monday Series
I miss blogging. I started blogging in 2008, to help me cope with stress as I prepared to get married and graduate with my undergraduate (within a week of the other). It also allowed my relatives in the Philippines to get a glimpse of life here in the States. Blogging helped me tremendously during my anxieties, my depression and within the ten years, all these questions of God, and where I stood in the midst of my fears and faith.
I've learned so much about myself while I blogged, and even though I've mostly deleted its contents, I've kept the ones within the past 6 years - the ones I've deemed "important," mostly because it's the current season I'm in: Motherhood. I'm in the early childhood years of it, and I know as time goes on, it'll change to preteens, teen years....reflecting and gauging the seasons that my children are in.
I love being a mom. Though there are parts that I wish never to repeat again, and parts that I often wonder why I chose this specific stay at home life.... I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world.
So, if you'd like to join me, I'm going to start a "motherhood monday series," starting next Monday. This gives me a chance to blog at least once a week and for now, the topics will focus on the ups and downs of "mothering while anxious." After all, I'm still fresh from my postpartum storm.
~ thanks for tuning in and I'll see you next week ~
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